This week we take a moment to get to know one of the first competitive minds we discoverd last fall in the Star Wars Unlimited Community, wooooo!


Tell us about your yourself! What are your hobbies outside of card games?

Hey there! I’m pretty big in to games (naturally). Outside of gaming I also practice Yoga and enjoy sports (big NYG fan, even though they’ve sucked for a decade). Professionally, I’m a Doctor of Physical Therapy.

What is your prior background/experiences in the TCG world?

As a kid I played a lot of the big ones (Yugioh, Pokemon, Magic). During and after college I started playing more MTG, but was never a big tournament grinder. I played that for many years and once the Pandemic started in 2020 the local gaming scene kind of died off so I started playing more on MTG Arena (hit #1 Mythic in Limited for a brief time one season, humble brag). I was very big in to drafting MTG, and the constructed format I enjoyed the most was Modern.

What is one specific archetype or playstyle that defines you in card games?

The winning archetype. But in reality, I tend to lean more towards interactive decks and I don’t like playing the consensus “best deck” because I really don’t enjoy playing mirror matches.

What was the main draw for you to Star Wars Unlimited as a game?

The action-action mechanic as opposed to turn-turn. I think the game feels very interactive because of the way each action is structured, which gives the player tons of interesting options (and tons of ways to mess up).

After writing an extensive draft series on our website around release, it’s clear you’re a big fan of drafting Star Wars Unlimited. Is drafting TCGs something you’ve always loved?

Yeah, I really enjoy limited. I think it challenges me in different ways than constructed, as it’s not just about how you play, but how you read signs and build decks with constraints. Cracking packs is also fun.

What is your favorite part of drafting Star Wars Unlimited? Why do you like it?

I don’t think it’s specific to SWU, but the fact that every draft is completely different is really exciting. With a constructed format, you bump in to the same stuff a lot, but no draft deck looks the same. I also find that getting a really tuned draft deck is very hard in SWU because you have to play such a large percentage of the cards you pick. It really rewards reading signs early on.

If there was just one general advice you could give to players to get better at draft, what would it be?

Read my article! Nah, but really, I’d say draft requires a ton of practice. It’s a good onboarding experience because it does put everyone on an even footing, but I actually think it’s can be very difficult to excel in it because every time you draft there are completely different constraints. I’d try to focus on identifying cards that are strong independently of synergy (in this set, an easy place to start is cards with Ambush). Focus on getting units that can trade efficiently and you will build up board states which are very difficult to overcome in draft. Also, open Overwhelming Barrage (or have someone pass you a bunch of them).

Editor’s note : It helps to sit beside someone from the Golden Dice Podcast if you would like to be passed Overwhelming Barrages in draft.

Who is one player in the community you hope to never have to sit beside in a draft pod?

I welcome anyone at my drafts.

Is Draft content something we can expect to see more of on your YouTube Channel in the future?

I hope so. I feel like it hasn’t yet really taken off, and draft content isn’t highly sought after currently. I really enjoy the format so I hope to at least get a draft review completed when the next set comes out.

What is your goal for long-term content for Star Wars Unlimited?

It’s a fun hobby for me. I haven’t yet thought about the goals I have for it. I’d like to keep having fun and producing things that are enjoyable and easily digestible, and hopefully elevate other people’s game.

What is your favorite thing about making content for SWU so far?

People reaching out about certain videos with positive vibes.

What’s one card design from another card game you have played that you would enjoy seeing in Star Wars Unlimited?

I can’t imagine we won’t see this, but some kind of “permanent” card that isn’t a unit or an upgrade for a unit. Things that would augment an arena, things that would give you repeatable actions but that can’t get attacked, etc. (think artifacts/enchantments from MTG).

What is one thing you hope to see from FFG attached to the Competitive structure (ie. prizing, formats, etc)?

I hope they would have competitive limited events, and would even like them to include limited as part of their World’s events. Cash prizing would also be cool.

How much travel do you plan on doing for competitive play in Star Wars Unlimited?

Traveling isn’t always easy for me with work, but I’d hope to be able to travel to some of the larger competitive events.

What are your goals in Star Wars Unlimited as a player?

Ideally, win a major tournament. Or be partially responsible for designing a deck that wins it all!

What are you most excited about for the future of SWU?

More cards! The fact that I already think there’s a lot of brewing to be done, and we are living in a world with only one set has me really excited.

If there’s one thing you would say FFG has absolutely nailed regarding Star Wars Unlimited, what would you give them credit for?

The way the action mechanic ends up playing out. I think it adds an intense amount of skill to the game. Sequencing is so important in this game, and every turn, from the resourcing at the start, to the back-and-forth actions, to the initiative claiming, adds so many decision points. I think that’s pretty masterful.

If there’s one thing you would say FFG has really missed the mark on regarding Star Wars Unlimited, what would you say it was?

I feel like because of all the variants cards have, the regular Foil treatment doesn’t feel exciting or premium. Maybe only having three variants could have been enough, because I think regular foils ended up adding bloat and don’t appear to be very desirable (based on market prices).

If you had to pick the first card from Set 1 to see a Ban/errata/restriction/etc, what would it be?

Baze Malbus is way too handsome. Nerf please.

What has been your favorite community experience in Star Wars Unlimited thus far?

To be honest, I’m not sure. Going to store pre-releases was fun, and getting to meet some new people at shops around where I live has been a good time. Hoping to start seeing larger events pop up too!

Any last thoughts you’d like to share?

Thanks for inviting me back!


Be sure to check out wooooo on YouTube! He’s just hit 1,000 subs last night! If you want to interact with wooooo, he’s always happy to discuss competitive SWU on the various SWU discords, and you’ll often find him grinding games in the KTOD discord!


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