Let’s check out this week’s tournament reports!

If you have decklists, results, or other information, please reach out to me at @DJStormtrooper on Discord.


32-person Chicago Store Champ

Pastimes in Niles, IL had 31 players competing for a chance at a Store Championship. Top 4 was all Boba: Double Yellow took 1st, 2nd and 4th. Boba/Green in 3rd. Congrats to Darek on the win!

Standings: Pastimes | SWU | Store Showdown 5/18 | Limitless (limitlesstcg.com)


2x Orlando $1Ks

We’re still getting information from these events, but one was won by @georgethehulk with Boba/Blue and the other by Andrew “Reflex” Cox with Boba/Yellow. Congrats to both of the winners!


26 Player CT Store Showdown

The Top 8 was Boba Cunning, Palpatine Aggressionx2, Sabine Cunning, Chirrut Aggression, Leia Aggression, and Sabine Commandx2. Palpatine Aggression ended up taking the win!


Florida Store Showdown

Frank continued his run of strong showings this weekend topping with his brother where they finished 1st and 2nd in a 23 person store showdown. Frank was on Blonde Sabine and his brother was on Command Boba.


20 person Store Showdown Kansas City

The Top 8 decks were Luke ECL, Boba ECL, Sabine ECL, Boba Yellow, Krennic ECL, Iden Red, Krennic Security Complex, and Vader Blue. Sabine Green ended up taking it all!


Store Showdown, Fargo ND

Sabine Green edged Palpatine Blue in the finals of this one!


22 player Store Showdown, Fargo ND

This event was only swiss, and Boba Yellow was the undefeated champion!


27 player Store Showdown Milwalkuee

The Top 8 were Vader Green, Boba Yellow, Sabine Green, Sabine Yellow, Palp green, Han green, Boba ECL and Iden ECL. Loopee from L8 Night Gaming ended up winning the event on Vader Green!


24 player Store Showdown Michigan

Chirrut Red ended up taking this one down! They beat a Sabine Green in the Top 4 and Sabine Yellow in the finals.


22 player Store Showdown San Antonio, TX

Palpatine Green ended up winning the event! Tarkin Red, Vader Green, and Boba Yellow were the other top 4 decks.


UK Weekend Events

Unlimited Power did a great video breakdown of the weekend’s tournament events in the United Kingdom!


Thanks for reading! Check out the full Tier List here. Any decks you’ve been enjoying that aren’t seeing enough love in the meta? Let us know!

One response to “Meta Monday (May 20th, 2024)”

  1. […] come back every Monday for our Meta Reports and don’t forget to check out the latest version of our revamped Meta Snapshot in its […]


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