What two months of SWU data can teach us about the meta…

Since release, we at the Garbage Rollers have been accumulating tournament data for our Meta Monday reports. Today, it’s time to bring it together and see what we can learn about the meta roughly two months into the Spark of Rebellion season.

About the Dataset

For this project, we accumulated results from 39 high-level tournaments with nearly 2000 total participants. Defining “high-level” is a bit subjective, but for this exercise, we’re focusing on events with significant stakes (mainly $1K tournaments) and at least 20 participants. We further focused on decks that made top 4/8/16 cuts giving us a smaller sample of 282. The tournaments come from across the US and the world, including results from the UK, Brazil, France, Germany, Poland and Italy.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at the data and what conclusions we can draw.

The Healthy Top Cut

The 282 players who performed at the top of their events ran a combined 29 different leader/color combos. But the top 12 deck combinations accounted for 87% of the decks played. Still, a meta with 10+ viable decks is a healthy one and a testament to SWU’s designers!


Event winners is an even more exclusive category than the top cut and in this department, only 14 decks succeeded. Only 6 decks were able to take more than one event: Boba/Green, Sabine/Green, Han/Green, Iden/Green, Luke/Green and Vader/Blue.

Green Wins

You may have noticed a pattern in the results, and that’s the dominance of green as a supporting color. In fact, 73% of top cut decks included Command either as their leader, or with it. This poses an interesting question about whether ramp effects have been appropriately costed in this game.

Who’s Not At the Party

Not every leader managed to succeed enough to be a competitive force in the events we’re tracking closely- which, as mentioned above, are higher stakes, larger tournaments. At qualifying events, eight of the SoR leaders clocked in at 0% of the competitive meta, rounded down. They were Chewbacca, Grand Moff Tarkin, Hera Syndulla, The Grand Inquisitor, IG-88, Cassian Andor, Grand Admiral Thrawn and Jyn Erso. While some of these leaders might, in fact, be competitive in the right hands, it’s clear high-level players don’t have enough faith to sleeve them up for a tournament.


Thanks for reading and absorbing data with us. It’s one of the Garbage Rollers favorite pastimes. Please come back every Monday for our Meta Reports and don’t forget to check out the latest version of our Tier List!

One response to “Tournament Data Meta Analysis”

  1. […] fluffier than usual- after yesterday’s articles, our major overhaul of our Tier List and a deep dive into the first two months of stats, I want to talk a little bit about what can get a little lost in the sauce […]


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