WE HAVE A RELEASE DATE!!!! This morning, FFG announced in conjuction with Spiel Essen, that the official release date for Star Wars Unlimited is Friday March 8th. Check out the rest of the announcement here!

ICYMI, Fantasy Flight Games posted their Stream Schedule for the month of October.

On Wednesday October 11th, we get a stream covering the Aggression aspect with new card reveals! I’m pretty excited to see the Hero red card pool get expanded, as playing Sabine right now is underwhelming with the only other Hero red card being the unit version of Sabine. I’m also interested to see if the Grand Inquisitor will see some new tools that make his 6 cost feel better.

On Wednesday October 25th, we get our first look at Competitive Organized Play beyond the chart we were previously shown (pictured below). I’ve been very impressed with the Casual OP announcements thus far, so I’m very hopeful that Competitive will get the same amount of love. I know many players from other games have been waiting for news on this before they decide to jump into SWU or not.

Thus far, the naming structure has felt pretty familiar to what we had in Star Wars Destiny. Store showdowns are the equivalent of Store Championships we had previously, though at a slightly more casual level with only Top 8 prizing.

With that in mind, I expect the Regional Qualifiers to be like Regional Championships from Star Wars Destiny. My one hope here is that FFG learned that this is the level that many players will top out at. Not everyone can afford the time or money to fly to the more grand, exclusive National or Continental level championships. Destiny regional season felt like it was very few and far between, especially if you lived in an area that only had 1 or 2 within driving distance. I would love to see FFG up the game and do 2 seasons a year of Regional Qualifiers allowing most players to hopefully attend at least a handful each year.

I assume Planetary and Sector Qualifiers are going to equate to the National and Continental Championships we previously had, but I also would love to see them be less restrictive than that allowing the USA for example to have a handful of them giving everyone a decent chance to have one close enough for travel.

After last week’s Casual OP stream, I don’t think I need to say this, but I hope we for sure don’t see mechanical cards locked behind OP Prizing at the Competitive level. Gameplay should always be accessible to everyone, but I do love exclusive alt-arts, holo-foils, whatever other cool stuff they can offer to allow for monetary prizing via re-sale as opposed to straight cash prizes.

I have high hopes from what we’ve seen so far, but I know Competitive OP is an important factor for drawing a lot of players to a card game and I hope FFG nails it.

What are you most interested in seeing in Competitive OP? Are you the type of player to travel to lots of events?


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