Welcome to our weekly update of the Gauntlet (Meta Tier List)!

This week, we’re doing some post-release clean up as the meta has evolved. Let’s dive into the details!

First, two new decks are making their debut on the list: Han 7s and Iden/Red. Both replace older archetypes in Tier 2. In this case, Han/Green Ramp and Krennic/Red. The latter will remain on the budget list. We’re excited to try both!

Second, we’re demoting one of our original Tier 1 decks- Leia/Red. It’s become clear that Energy Conversion Lab affords huge tempo advantages to the Sabine/Green deck dominating the meta. Since Leia can’t take advantage of ECL or the accompanying Steadfast Battalion, she’s no longer tied for the best aggro deck in the format.

Third and finally, we’re demoting several Tier 2 archetypes that we wanted to give the benefit of a doubt upon release but have not proven themselves, namely: Tarkin/Green Ramp, Boba/Red Tempo and Thrawn/Blue Control. The former two are staples of the pre-release meta that we are sad to see go but just aren’t what they used to be. Thrawn we recently promoted, but after further testing, we’ve reconsidered and moved him back to Tier 3.

That’s it for this week’s tier list adjustments, let’s check in on ongoing tournaments!


TTI League Season 0.6 Top Cut Continues

You can find the decklists for the current season here and the bracket here.

Since last week, Sabine/Green, Boba/Green and Mono Boba advanced to the semi-finals, along with a Chirrut/Red piloted by Wooooo that we’re watching very closely. Good luck to the remaining competitors!

Unplayable Content Creator Showcase Tournament

Our friends over at Unplayable recruited a cast of content creators, including our very own Jayson (@ImpossibleGerman) to play an 8-team bracket. Deck choices were: 5 Sabine/Green, 1 Hera/Blue, 1 Palp/Blue, and 1 Cassian/Green. As of writing, the initial matches have yielded a top-4 of ALL Sabine/Green, and a matching final between Davis and FA1TH. Good luck to both in the finals. Look out Set 1 meta, Sabine is gunning for ya!

Polish 90 person Super Store Showdown

We haven’t been able to gather much info about this tournament, but on Saturday there was a 90 person tournament in Poland that essentially did a top 32 cut afterwards with Krennic Command winning the tournament!

The other top 4 decks were Finalist Boba Command, and Iden Command beat Sabine Command to take 3rd place. KTOD reviewed the top lists on their podcast yesterday!

The event streamed some games on Twitch, but it looks like the VODs did not save on their channel unfortunately. Yodakiller on discord found them reuploaded on YouTube though! There was no audio on the stream, but if you want to watch the only physical tournament gameplay we have to date, check it out!

Edit: Someone shared the Top 8 decklists here

Thanks for reading! Check out the full Tier List here. Any decks you’ve been enjoying that aren’t seeing enough love in the meta? Let us know!

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